aprile 23, 2006

Gubbio, Umbria

Foto pampasan untuk weekend ini bertema Gubbio, Umbria :

Italian Joy, Carla Coulson

[excerpt, page 125]

Italians love being together in big groups:
old men and women, young couples and singles, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles,
friends and children are always included and almost nothing is done alone.
Italian men and women interact completely differently to those in Australia, and
the longer I live here the more fascinating their dance of love has become to

One day while killing time at the railway station in Rome I was waiting
in a bar when a girl walked in; a cloud of Acqua di Sicilia (a perfume
reminiscent of oranges and lemons and summer in Sicily) followed her. She sat
near me, taking off her checked jacket and balancing it on the tips of her
shoulder. She wore a soft black wollen scarf doubled twice around her neck and a
pair of black leather gloves, and she was carrying a designer handbag. As she
move to light her cigarette, men and lighters appeared from everywhere. She
delicately balanced the cigarette between her fingers and slowly inhaled, her
mouth caressing the cigarette. From underneath her lashes she glanced up and
breathed grazie (thank you) to the man who had fallen over himself to
light it. As she exhaled, her face and neck straightened like that of a
ballerina ready to dance. The entire bar followed her every move, collectively
pausing, exhaling and moving their heads with her as though they were all
watching a game of tennis. The girl wasn't beautiful in a classic way, but her
every movement was delicate and precise and created an allure of sexiness around
her. The light seemed to go out when she finished her cigarette, put on her
jacket and left the bar.


Anonimo ha detto...

macchiii... il tuo "shoutbox" funziona? ho provato a scrivere due righe ma non ho visto niente... o sbaglio io? :))

Anonimo ha detto...

Mereka, l'Italiani, memang seneng nge-group, kalao nerliburpun harus bersama "herd".
3 tahun yang lalu, waktu itu aku hamil 7 bulan, kami berlibur ke Indo dan pinginnya menghindar sebentar dari suasana italia, so kita putuskan berlibur ke pantai Kuta - Lombok.

Begitu landing di airport terdengar suasana Italia, sesampai di hotel yang nb jauh dari kemana2 isinya orang italia semua, sampai2 hampir semua pekerja di Novotel Coralia bisa berbhasa italia. Malamnyapun dihidangkan la cena italiana...

Anonimo ha detto...

Jauh-jauh liburan sampe ke Bali, masih pula makan malamnya harus alla Italiana. LOL ... mungkin kolektivitas berusia 2 millenia lamanya, jalam dulu kan Roma dan provinces-nya apapun bisa terjadi, bawa piso selipin di balik jubah, maka: SAFETY IN NUMBERS! Ecco...

Anonimo ha detto...

Era là soltanto per fumare? Bener ga' grammarnya?