aprile 16, 2006

Dan seperti apakah schedule seorang émigré asal Asia tinggal di negara anglosakson, saat liburan Easter / Paskah dengan deretan tanggalan merah tak berujung (seemingly), dan ia seperti kebanyakan Sydneysiders lainnya, tidak merayakannya.

Hit the plonk?

Errr ... maybe not.

Hit the opera, you said?

Hmm .. let's tone it down a tad.

Enrico Mancinelli, prof Italian saya menjabarkan dengan mata berbinar. Keluarganya asal Napoli (Naples) 2 jam ke Selatan dari Roma. In Italian : Well, it's going to be quiet, just family this year. Good Friday, I'm preparing seafood just simply grilled and with egg (I can't recall the details) that's a Napolitana Easter dish. Then the day after my family and I going to see my parents, then my wife's parents. Then Easter Sunday, relatives coming to my place, I'll have about fifteen guests.... (dan dia memberikan kuliah singkat menu Italian yang bakal disiapkannya, mamma mia, ludah netes di atas buku teks saya drip drip drip ...)

Yea, so much for a quiet Easter this year!

Anyhuuu, Easter bukanlah Easter tanpa telur coklat kejutan. Dua hari sebelum Good Friday, Keiko dan Stuard mengirim SMS, ajakan menonton a theatre play.

What's it called? What's about?

Berondongan pertanyaan meluncur bertubi-tubi. Maklum, saya mah seorang novice bau kencur dalam hal teater dan plays. Dan saya pun tidak malu mengakuinya.

Pengalaman pertama saya. Melihat pertunjukan teater, maksudnya. Di Nice. France. Seorang teman ia seorang pemain amatiran dan seringkali diundang oleh kolega dan kawannya. Tiket gratos di tangan. Bah .. pourquoi pas ???

Aduh, aktor/aktris teater amatiran juga tak kalah glamor yah hidupnya. Selepas show, ada après-théâtre soirée, dan setiap pengunjung di lounge The National Theatre of Nice sibuk menggenggam gelas cocktail.

Dan kesempatan kembali materialisasi. Saya pun ikut memasukkan nama via Keiko, sebab membeli tiket grup jauh lebih murah, diskonnya lumayan untuk beli beras dan tahu keras di superkampret lokal saya.

Pre-theatre Stu, Keiko dan seorang teman lagi, Tanya, menginjak kaki di suburb Newtown, mungkin pusat resto Thai se-Pasifik, setidaknya se-benua ini, karena resto Thai di sini bukan lagi shoulder to shoulder melainkan neck to neck, bum to bum, saking banyaknya. Dan siapa lagi yang diuntungkan kalo bukan diners macam kami ini.

Karena tak punya banyak waktu luang, kami tak terlalu picky, resto terdekat yang telah tenar, Thai Po Thong. Menu kami sangat simple, dan tidak pedas sama sekali, Stu wanti-wanti, I'm not into spicy hot dish guys, sebelum akhirnya ia setuju kami share the meals lebih banyak pilihan. Adalah tidak adil kalau saya jabarkan menu pilihan kami. Katakanlah, perut dan lidah kami satiated dan pelayanan di resto tersebut sangat overwhelming, hingga berbatasan dengan annoying. Ada lebih banyak pelayan dan pelayanwati daripada diners, sehingga setiap dua menit sekali ada saja yang menghampiri mengecek piring, mangkok, dan gelas kami. No, thanks, we're not finished with that. Mah ... cosa succede?

Dan play-nya. O boy, did we have a grand time during the two hours show. Semi sitcomy, semi teatrikal, «The Subtle Art of Flirting» was not that subtle nevertheless. Komedinya sangat modern, non-SNAG Aussie bloke versus ultra confused girlfriend; career-oriented Western chick woke up and realised her biological clock was about to hit the menopause graph and hence desperately seeking a willing partner; gay guy being hit on so many times he decided he hated the Sydney social scene; cat fights à la The Matrix; awkward moments between couples; couples abashedly breaking up. You name it they got it.

All in all, the play was exhilarating, hilariously entertaining. The script was wittily written and executed to produce a seamless volley of laughters from the audience.

And to end the balsamicly warm night, we had a lazy stroll in the area, privately examining the fading façade of this once glamour now the alternative lifestyle hub of Sydney, ending up hitting a surprisingly still open til 11 pm gelateria. Miracle does happen sometimes! Dan buat saya, tiga scoops grazie: panna cotta, Ferrero, dan cassata.

Destinasi berikut: teater opera La Scala, Milano (???) ... beh, jangan putus asa, siapa tau!

"The Subtle Art of Flirting is a warm and entertaining comedy, thanks to an enthusiastic cast and some sharp one-liners from writer-director Tunks."

The Subtle Art of Flirting follows the lives of eight Sydney singles as they look for love in the big city, all the while becoming masters of the art of flirting. This romantic comedy is written and directed by Wayne Tunks, who also stars alongside Nicole Da Silva (from All Saints), Sean Kennedy (Deck Dogz), Rebekah O'Sullivan (The Bill, Eastenders), Wayne Tunks, Duncan Armitage, Sam O'Dell and Charlene Ramage (The Bridesmaid Must Die!).

The play takes audiences into the situations and experiences known all too well to the singletons in society. From a laundromat to the racecourse, from choosing a pop song to become your anthem to bad dates, everything is covered and nothing is left behind. This play shows life at its best, worst and most embarrassing.