luglio 31, 2006

Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin - ainsi

Beuh ...

Kalo showbiz dan gemerlap selebrits harus "go on" maka hidup italica saya pun harus berlanjut, euh ...

Apt untuk dua bulan ke depan udah beres. Entahlah kaya gimana tempat baru ini, faktor housemates emang menentukan. Namun yang pasti rumah baru lebih jauh ke uni, bisa 20 menit kali berjalan. Entahlah, kalo males mungkin harus ambil bis. Menyebalkan kan, ongkos bis satu Euro one way ... berat di ongkos hehe.

Dan pindahan, mamma mia. Walau saya cuma punya satu koper dan satu backpack, tapi tetep aja repotnya.

Dan gli amici, kawan-kawan, yang baru saja saya kenal, mereka pun kini satu persatu meninggalkan kota ini. Mau gimana lagi, studi mereka selesai bulan ini, sementara saya baru mulai.

Apakah saya akan cengeng, beuh .. ngga guna. Teman datang dan pergi.

ciao ciao



Anonimo ha detto...

ganbatte, macchi! :-)

Anonimo ha detto...

aww.. ur feelin lonely aey, G?

it's okay. u've been there before. u'll do just fine. at least u're not in Perth *curhat colongan*.

Anonimo ha detto...

Friends come and go, some will stay longer and some go for a wile and (perhaps) comingback :) - may the numbers of people stopping by here provesyouthat you;ve got friends from the closest corner till themost farthest one in Africa..

Nice to have stopped by here again :)

Anonimo ha detto...

yep, kawan datang dan pergi...

Life they say is touch and go.
Some people you know may only be there for a time.
Some may go away,
but people who find you special
will always find ways to stay (in touch with you)
and know how to find you..