Qui est sans regret?
Holy Guacomolee, what a shit mood I've been in. Shits ya right up yer nose. So what are these emotional rollercoaster trips from one low end to a phenomenal high. What's with people being nice to you upon the prospect of not seeing ya for a period of time ───indefinite, one hopes?
I can't cope with the sticky sugary stuff people sludge at me. Unusual. And unrecommended for one's sakeness. It's too sweet.
Suppose things remain the way they have been ... would I have been happier?
Nah, it ain't. Heck if now isn't the answer, it'll be never. As the French say «c'est l'occasion ou jamais» simple as that!
Ben ... suis-je prêt? C'est un grand, en fait serait-it le plus grand voyage que je ne fasse jamais?
Alors qui sait?
Out there all alone like the fella on the pic.
To the person I adore most:
I want not a thing but a stolen kiss under the stare of the mighty Colosseum.
See you v soon my sweet fragola.
Voilà ... Ti bacio forte
curhat, G?
wow....that sentence amaze me "I can't cope with the volley"
Ma Cherie,est-ce tu es pret?
(eh ini gue nggak ngerti masang absan di keyboard)
So what are this emotional rollercoaster trips from one low end to a phenomenal high. What's with people being nice to you upon the prospect of not seeing ya for a period of time ──indefinite, one hopes?
this part, i always assume this part as "God has sense of humor".
*pats rey* hangin' there dude.
so far what i learn about lonely is:
you choose to be alone.
I actually have lots of friends, I can give them a call and they will be right in front of my doorstep. but guess what? I dont really want them. I want to be alone... and cry and tell the world that I'm alone. hahahaha...
parah ya?
G, kok tiba2 jadi melankolik gini...
LOL, kok jadi rame gini. Makasih atas perhatiannya. Tapi kemelankolikan saya hari ini blm seberapa dibanding beberapa hari lalu.
pyro : err, possibly.
cyan : hehe, itu posting incomplete. abis itu ia pun diedit lagi.
kappa : hangin dan nyari pegangan.
dinda : saya berada 5000km dari jkt di mana keluarga dan teman berada. eheh
tari : va bene. scusami...!
Pourquoi Regret? Everything happens for a reasons :)
wah.. ada apa denganmu?
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