maggio 13, 2006

There ya go : I reckon McCrap serves crap shit and Italian&French films are superior!

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McDonald's ought to use this as their ad campaign! Cause this picture says that junk food is for everyone, not just the younger generation as shown on the wall. Do you think that gentleman in a batik shirt just finished his Big Mac? Wrong. He just had a McDonald's fried chicken! I bet Jakarta's McDonald's are the only ones in the world that serve rice with fried chicken, am I right??

As much as I'd prefer a bowl of wonderful salad, I do eat Mc Donald's occasionally :) And my daughter goes there just because they have slides!


Anonimo ha detto...

ngga enaaakkk!!

Anonimo ha detto...

I still have to admit that McDonald's saves my time to think what to eat for lunch. Besides, it's not that bad either for some hungry empty stomach ... and for the price.

Anonimo ha detto...

myr : ^^ alors que faire?

sl : masa sih, makan siang bukankah gampang cari makanan/ jajanan murah meriah di basement gdg perkantoran segitigaemas (???) I'll do anything to be get a hold of them.

Anonimo ha detto...

wahwhahw... for a sec, i thought you're the one who has daughter. emmm... do you one already? just curious :P

well, mcd. i eat that whenever i dont feel like cooking indomi. :D not healthy, i know. but... emm.. dont really care. i dont like to eat, for sure.

Anonimo ha detto...

Kini Mc D, KFC, Pizz Hut dll telah menjadi bahagian keluarga indonesia tampaknya, lintas generasi :D

Anonimo ha detto...

Murah meriah dan banyak, memang, dan saking banyaknya sampai tidak bisa memutuskan dan berakhir dengan McDonald's *LOL*

Anonimo ha detto...

dinda : i have a dozen of em' ^^

qky : beh ... che facciamo poi?

silverlines : ahhaha, jgn sering-sering atuh.

Anonimo ha detto...

gw udah menjauh dari junk food sejak 2 tahun yg lalu.... heuheueh.. *once in a while kadang gw makan sih.. tp itupun kalo lagi pengen, ato..... kepepet..*