agosto 11, 2006

Che ne sarà di noi

Sampai jumpa minggu depan para temans, diriku akan melepas diri beberapa hari di Toscana.

Cinque Terre, Firenze dan Siena : siap ngga siap, diriku mengunjungimu!


Dan kemarin pun akhirnya ada progess, ada aktifitas non-homey setelah lama mengendon di rumah.

Perugia merayakan hari Saint Patron mereka, Sant'Ercolano, yang menurut legenda menjadi martir setelah dieksekusi alla barbeque, dibakar hidup-hidup.

Maka kota Etruska antik ini bikin pagelaran dengan efek pyroteknik, sembur-sembur api.

Namun, sebelumnya di unversitas pun ada film buat students. Untungnya diberi subtitel Italian, hingga walau ngga ngerti total, minimal bisa 60-70% ngerti, walau percakapan anak muda Italian, normal memang, penuh slang dan ekspresi colloquial.

Che ne sarà di noi

Bagus euy! Menarik. Komedi Italian coming of age yang menggelitik nerves humour sekaligus memberi pertanyaan.

«Che Ne Sara' di Noi I thought was a quite unique film. Everyone goes through the summer that comes after leaving high school and everybody feels that they are going towards the "unknown", that can be going towards university, college or work.This movie talks about 3 friends that while on vacation ask themselves: what will happen to us? (che ne sara' di noi).The movie at the beginning is not dramatic at all, it's actually quite funny in presenting the 3 different friends that come from 3 totally different backgrounds. After the Italian "maturita'" exam (the final high school exam) one of them pushes to go on vacation on a Greek island as his lover has just gone. When they get there they somehow start to change and slowly it seems that their friendship is dying.The ending is quite open, they all take different paths that somehow makes them finish their teen age and makes them start having responsibilities.»


Anonimo ha detto...

pyrotechnique <<< pyro!! gue!!!

*contoh konkrit selektif reading*

Anonimo ha detto...

PYRO : iyah, terlalu selektif tapi!